Ambea, Scandinavia’s leading care provider, has in recent years intensified its focus on leadership, skill development, and employee well-being. This strategy has resulted in reduced staff turnover, increased employee engagement, and the company’s highest eNPS to...
How to ensure a safe and inclusive feedback environment
Incorporating sensitive comment analysis into your pulse surveys is a crucial step towards a more inclusive and respectful workplace. Here, we explain the importance of sensitive comment analysis and how our module can help you to maintain a respectful and inclusive...
30 Tips for Choosing an Employee Survey Provider
Selecting the right employee survey provider is a crucial decision for any organization. With countless options available, how do you make an informed choice? In this article, we share 30 practical tips that reflect our understanding of what truly matters in employee...
3 steps to reducing sick leave using AI models in your employee survey
CIPD’s recent report Health and wellbeing at work 2023, showed that 2023 had the highest absence levels in the UK in over a decade; “employee absence rose to 7.8 days per employee, or 3.4% of working time lost.” Sick leave can be a significant challenge for large...
AI in HR: 7 ways AI guides well-being and performance
"Today companies are dealing with a competitive labor market, high levels of turnover and workforce stress ... Problems like diversity and inclusion, culture, and leadership development remain paramount, and HR teams are also worried about employee experience,...
4 strategic applications of AI-based comment analytics
Organizations often encourage their employees to write free text comments in employee surveys. These comments can prove a gold mine as they provide the manager with context to the measurement result and encourage and facilitate the critical team dialogue. There is...